Hi Friends! We are chugging along with this blogmas. I don’t know how Youtubers do it, they crank out full on videos every day! I give them major props for coming up with content ideas and editing their videos to be engaging. I’m still eating soft foods (sadly), so even writing about food makes me a little sad that I can’t fully enjoy it if I were to get it. So, today’s blog post will not be food related, but will be about Bullet Journaling!
Bullet Journaling, or as some may call it BUJO, is a book that is used as an individual’s diary, planner, journal, written meditation, creative outlet, all in one. A bullet journal is typically done on an empty dotted journal. Every month, the writer will (literally) draw out their month with a layout of their events happening, reminders, goals, sometimes habit trackers, AND draw out each week in a format of their choice. The creative design comes in creating each month’s layout and theme. Some people use it to achieve goals, track their good sleep/emotions/water/exercise, spending, organize their lives, and everything in between.
Let me tell you this, bullet journaling is not for the faint of heart. It takes a lot of time, creativity, and dedication to keep up with one. In November 2019 I bought a dotted journal specifically for bullet journaling because I thought that it would be a great way to hone in to my artistic side while staying organized and hitting my goals. In the beginning it was a lot of fun. I did a Christmas themed layout for December and a fireworks theme for January. But, as I got busier throughout the year and needed a planner, the hassle of drawing everything was really tough. Towards the end of the year I just ended up doing one color themes and writing out my planner weeks. I didn’t do any trackers or draw any cute drawings, I just needed somewhere to jot down my plans for the week to visualize it.
I think that bullet journaling is a very difficult hobby to pick up if you’re like me and like to do many things at once. I enjoyed the times when I really put effort into my month’s layout, but after the two hours were done, I was exhausted! Those who have the discipline and want to do something like this should definitely try it out. At the end of the year you’ll be able to look back at all the cool designs and the work that you put into your bullet journal. For me, it’s not worth the time and effort. If I was a regular journal-er and wrote notes down all the time, then maybe. I’d rather spend some money on a good planner that’s pre-made for me. I’m thinking of trying out Passion Planner in 2022! I’ll keep you guys posted on that. Until next time…
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